Dr. George Davis Snell was an immunologist and geneticist. He was born in Bradford, Massachusetts. His father worked as a secretary for the local YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association). George Davis Snell received the scientific approach from his Father. His father had designed a device for winding induction coils for motor boat engines.
Snell took his primary education in Brookline, Massachusetts School and then higher education in Dartmouth College in Hanover. He had keen interest in mathematics and science. While pursuing his Bachelor’s degree, he developed interest in genetics. The credit for igniting the interest in genetics goes to his Professor John Gerould.
Snell continued his passion towards genetics in Harvard University. He Graduated and got Ph.D. from Harvard University. In Harvard University, he got an opportunity to work under William E. Castle. William was working on Mendelian inheritance in Mammals.
Snell did his Ph.D work on genetic linkage in mice. After earning his Ph.D. , Snell was worked as a Faculty at Brown University. Snell continued his research on effcts of radiation on mice in University of Texas. Later he worked as faculty in Washington University in St. Louis and then joined the Jackson Laboratory. Snell received many awards for his contribution in the area of genetics and Immunology.
cancer research institute in 1978 for research in immunology. He authored a substantial books. His one of the book was “search for a rational ethic”, it was on ethical behavior from genetic and anthropological perspective.
Snell developed various hobbies through out his life. He used to spend his spare time in farming, Music, Playing tennis and football.
Snell apprehended genetics with Immunology and found when tumor tissue is transplanted in non-genetical individuals; the resistance against transplantation was by multiple resistance genes. The multiple resistant genes were found to follow Mendalian inheritance. Snell continued his research at molecular level to and found that the factor and its inheritance pattern of tissue rejection. The collaboration with Peter Gorer found that genes responsible to transplanted tissue rejection are because of similar set of genes in Human and Mice. Snell and Gorer named those set of genes as Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).
Snell shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with Baruj Benacerraf and jean Dausset for their major discoveries concerning “genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions”.
He take this research as his real love. He was very dedicated towards his work. He had smart brain and kind heart. He served most of his life in serving the society. We will never forget such type of personalities who served such a great work for the betterment of the society .

Arshiya is student of Microbiology and now currently working in her dream job. She has a true spirit for learning. She loves to challenge her limits and push them. She is a social animal and believe in protecting the relationships. She wish to spend her life in helping needy people.