
TLC Thin Layer Chromatography

TLC Thin Layer Chromatography | Principle | Protocol | Applications

Introduction to TLC – Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is one of the chromatographic techniques used for isolation, identification and quantification of molecules from complex mixtures. The technique was developed in 20th century and it is still getting evolved with the advancement of technology. It has various application in the field of Chemistry and Biology. This […]

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Enzymes : Brief History, Characteristics & Classification

‘Enzymes are responsible for Chemistry of life’ Introduction to Enzymes – The living cells are actively involved in synthesizing required biomolecules and degrading waste. This is achieved by numerous and complex metabolic pathways. The metabolic pathways are regulated and monitored by enzymes hence they are called catalysts. The metabolic pathways are a series of chemical

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Plant Cell

What is Plant cell? Introduction, Structure, and Functions, with Labeled Diagram

Introduction – Plants are multicellular organisms and their cells are eukaryotic. Like animal cells, the plant cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. However, the plant cell differs from animal cells in many aspects. The plant cells have some special organelles that allows the cells to carry out photosynthesis. Hence, the plant cell can

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Life cycle of Bacteriophage

Bacteriophage literally means bacteria eater, because they infect bacteria and kill them. It means bacteria are host to the bacteriophage. Like other viruses, bacteriophages are obligate parasites. They are made of genetic material surrounded by protein structure. They need a host for the vital molecular processes like replication, transcription, translation and multiplication. Once, the virus

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Fundamentals of chromosome and Packaging of DNA

For each chromosome contributed by the sperm there is corresponding chromosome contributed by egg, there was two chromosome of each kind, which together constitute a pair – Thomas Hunt Morgan While teaching, I have observed that students always get confused between the term and meaning of DNA, gene, chromatin, chromosome and relevant terms. Reading this

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