Cell lines is defined as the collection of cells originated from single cell. They are grown in the laboratory under environmental controlled conditions. Interestingly, they

Life sciences provide a wide range of chances for investigation and influence, regardless of your interests, which may include creating new medications, comprehending the workings

These questions are designed to test basic understanding of D and Z values in the context of sterilization.

Sterility!! The one word that can give nightmares to many Life Sciences students. It doesn’t spare even the best of lab assistants. It can take

“Taxonomical aids plays vital role in studying Taxonomy” Taxonomy definition: Taxonomy is the science of identifying, naming and classifying the living organisms. The classification of

We all are surrounded by living and non-living organisms. The living organisms are also called as biotic factors and non-living organisms are called as abiotic

Life sciences is an enchanting arena of study that examines into the very essence of life itself. From understanding how organisms function to unveiling the

Test your knowledge of Plant Cell Health & Disease. Post your scores in the comment section to know how you did in comparison to our

So you think you beat the Immunology quiz! Take this quiz to see how you really fare Immunology. Post your scores in the comments section