History of Vaccines – Immunology is the branch of life Science that deals with the study of immune system of living organisms. Recovering of people
Tag: Biotechnologist

Bacteria belongs to prokaryotes and hence it lacks nucleus and membrane bound organelle. But it has sufficient organelles that maintains and regulated important physiological, biochemical

Archaebacteria are fascinating microbes and show diverse characteristics. They are unicellular and do not have nucleus and hence scientist thought to categorize them in prokaryotes.

Endospore is the resistant form of bacteria which is very difficult to kill. Sporulation: Sporulation is a spore forming process in bacteria. Spores are metabolically

Flagella is the motility organelle of the bacteria. Introduction: Flagella is known as motility or locomotor organelle and it looks hair like appendage. They are

An aspiring and budding Microbiologist should always initiate their study by first understanding and learning Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). These Practices are general rules and

Microflora is nowadays being considered as a misnomer as the term Microbiota is becoming more common in parlance. Table of Contents Introduction to Presence of

Bacterial Motility is an important characteristic which is used to identify an unknown micro-organisms. The Hanging Drop technique helps to determine if the bacteria is motile