Animal cell culture needs essential nutrients & physical conditions and there is also need of different approaches for culturing the animal cells. While culturing animal

Are you searching for Biotechnology job for freshers? Following article deals with What Biotech Companies expect from Freshers/Young Graduates. If you are from Life Sciences

Southern Hybridization is one of the nucleic acid Hybridization technique that allows us to identify similar sequence in DNA. It works on the principle of

Bacterial Growth kinetics is, “The study of the growth of bacterial cultures does not constitute a specialised subject or branch of research: it is the

Dear Readers, I am Sana, and today for an Interview we have with us Dr. Gaurav Shah, a subject expert from Biotechnology field as well

What is Bacterial Growth? Bacterial growth is increase in bacterial size and number (population). What factors affect the bacterial growth? The Bacterial growth is affected

Animal Cell culture is a technique of growing animal cells in artificial media and laboratory conditions. In order to grow in the laboratory, the cells

Stem cells are the backbone for all types of cells and tissue in our body. They are undifferentiated cells which have the ability to form

pH indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) of any solution. The Hydrogen ions are protons hence, it is also the measurement of protons in

Animal Biotechnology is the branch of Biotechnology that deals with genetical modification of animals to improve their quality and productivity. It also deals with the

Introduction – Bacterial Growth is affected by nutritional and physical factors. The nutrients means the organic and inorganic material whereas the physical factors means pH,

We all are aware that whoever is born will die some day. This principle is also applied to fundamental form of life i.e. cells. Death

Stem cells are the progenitor cells that further differentiate into different types of cells. They are called the foundation for forming tissue, organs and body.

Summary- Gene is a segment of DNA or RNA that encodes for a functional protein. The main objective of plant biotechnology is to create new

All living organisms are connected in a complex web of relationship like symbiotic (mutual relationship), parasitic (utilize host material and cause damage), pathogenic (utilize host