Introduction – We all are aware that microbes are present everywhere. The microorganisms can be useful and harmful for us. Their harmful part is experienced

Introduction – Bacterial Growth is defined as increase in cell size and number. The bacteria increase its number by reproducing asexual methods such binary fission,

Bacterial Growth means increase in cell size and number. As said by Jacques Lucien Monod, a Nobel Prize winner (1949) that handling microbial cultures is

Introduction– Biofilm is a close association of cells to each other or to a specific surface forming a slimy layer. It is process where many

Sleep is an integral part of our lives and a crucial fundamental need of our body besides food and water. We spend around 30% of

Tattoos date back to the Bronze age and in many cultures, tattoos have been an integral part of traditional rites or talismans. During the early

Sabouraoud Dextrose media contains all essential nutrients required for the growth of fungi. Introduction– Fungi are eukaryotic organism and found to be from unicellular to

Bristol Media provides all essential nutrients for Algae growth. Introduction: Algae are aquatic organism found in lakes, rivers, ponds, and snow and also found on

Yeasts are unicellular prokaryotic organisms. They cannot be seen by naked eyes and hence we need to observe them microscopically. Introduction: Yeasts are unicellular and

Paper Chromatography is an analytical technique used for separation, detection and identification of biomolecules. Chromatography is a fundamental technique for the separation, detection, identification of chemical

Introduction- Human Hairs are strands of protein which come out from skin. It help us regulate our body temperature and afford protection. Human hairs have

INTRODUCTION CRISPR is a specific, efficient and versatile gene-editing technology we can harness to modify, delete or correct precise regions of our DNA. Dr. Emmanuelle

Endospore is the resistant form of bacteria which is very difficult to kill. Sporulation: Sporulation is a spore forming process in bacteria. Spores are metabolically

Flagella is the motility organelle of the bacteria. Introduction: Flagella is known as motility or locomotor organelle and it looks hair like appendage. They are

Introduction: DNA Replication is a vital molecular process of duplicating the genetic material. During cell division, the newly formed DNA is transferred into the daughter